The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 premiere date: A June 2024 update

The Lincoln Lawyer season 2
Photo: Netflix

We have now made it into June 2024; with that in mind, why not dive even further into The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 at Netflix? Is there a chance that it will be back in the months to come?

There is at least some good news to share on the Michael Connelly adaptation, and it goes a little bit like this — the show right now is primarily in the post-production phase, which means that the team is working to perfect all of the episodes to get them ready to air. You can make the case that the series will be back this fall and will be split into parts again; however, at the end of the day the ball is in Netflix’s court. Even when all of the episodes are ready to go, they could hold onto them until they get to a spot that makes the most sense for them to arrive on the platform.

For the time being, it does appear perhaps premature to say with confidence that a premiere date for season 3 is coming anytime soon, even if it would be nice to see some magic happen there. Instead of hoping for an announcement this month, it may be better to just hope for a tease or two for what lies ahead. Sure, if you know the books, you already have a built-in advantage … but is there room for something more still? We do tend to think so!

In general, we’d say to prepare for the same mixture of action, drama, and humor that you saw within the first two seasons. The Lincoln Lawyer knows what it is and by virtue of that, it’s hard to imagine that they are going to be doing much to deviate from that.

Related Check out a fun behind-the-scenes story now when it comes to The Lincoln Lawyer

What do you most want to see moving into The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 over on Netflix?

When do you think it could premiere? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for other updates.

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