Tulsa King season 2 premiere date: A June 2024 update

Tulsa King season 2 is currently in production and with that in mind, there is a great deal to discuss when it comes to the future. Dwight will be up against some new adversaries and beyond just that there could end up being some other surprise twists and turns along the way.
So what more could you learn about a premiere date between now and the end of the month? Well, let’s just start by saying this: It would not be too shock if an actual date is revealed between now and the end of June. CBS is going to be broadcasting the entirety of the first season starting before too long, and it makes sense to have the full premiere date out there! Also, Sylvester Stallone already said that the show will be back in early September; that could always change, but he’s about as informed a source as you are ever going to find.
Whenever a season 2 premiere date is revealed, don’t be shocked if there is some sort of great tease that comes along with it. This is one of those shows that benefits heavily from mass promotion and getting the star out there in as many venues as possible. The first season was huge for Paramount+, and they will almost certainly work overtime to ensure that the same can be said moving into the next season.
Now, let’s also talk crazy for a moment: Is there a chance that a season 3 could be revealed before the end of the month? That feels unlikely and yet, don’t be shocked if there are some rumblings already behind the scenes about the possibility. This certainly does not feel like the sort of show meant to tell just two seasons’ worth of stories and that’s it.
Related – Check out some other news on Tulsa King now, including the latest in regards to casting
When do you think that we’re going to learn more about Tulsa King season 2 over on Paramount+?
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