Outlander season 8 spoilers: The latest casting news!

Are you curious to learn more when it comes to Outlander season 8 over at Starz? With today being a massive celebration of the greater world created by Diana Gabaldon, the network has been kind enough to share all sorts of assorted details.
So, what more can be said about the final season? Production started for the final ten episodes earlier this year, and there will be a lot of nods throughout to Written in My Own Heart’s Blood, the eighth booth in Gabaldon’s series. The challenge for the writers is going to be finding a way to adapt this book and also still give closure to their version of the Jamie – Claire story; book 8 is not the final one, after all, in the source material. (With that, there will at least be some nods beyond this book, as we’re about to explain.)
Today, Starz announced three new characters who are coming on board the final season.
Captain Charles Cunningham – Played by Kieran Bew, this is a retired British soldier. This is a character who actually has a role to play in Go Tell the Bees that I Am Gone, the ninth book in Gabaldon’s series.
Elspeth Cunningham – Frances Tomelty is playing this role, who is Charles’ mother. (She is also a part of book 9.)
Amaranthus Grety – Carla Woodcock is playing a new member of the Grey family, who is also a part of Written in My Own Heart’s Blood.
One hugely important thing to know
Outlander will not be giving viewers the same ending that Diana will her books — that is something that is already out there. With that, don’t anticipate the final season with that sort of expectation. Both should have their own proper celebration of these characters and ultimately, that feels for the best.
Related – Learn more about when Outlander season 7 part 2 is going to be premiering
How do you think Outlander season 8, and the series as a whole, is going to conclude?
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