Is Gavin McHugh leaving 9-1-1, Christopher after season 7?

Is Gavin McHugh leaving 9-1-1 and the role of Christopher after the season 7 finale? This is not a discussion we anticipated having.
However, it also made a certain element of sense once you actually got more into the story here. Christopher was confused and hurt following what happened with Eddie last week, where he temporarily thought that his mom was somehow back. This was devastating and hard to accept, and all of it lead to Christopher deciding that he wanted to stay with other family — at least for the summer. Eddie indicated that he could come back at any time, and there is a reason to still have hope. Christopher is an enormous and beloved part of the show family.
The most important thing that Eddie needs to figure out moving forward here is rather simple: How to take care of himself and get mentally to a spot where he can be there for some other people, including Christopher. He has gone through a lot, and also made plenty of mistakes.
Speaking to TVLine, Ryan Guzman did indicate that this was a really tough exchange to shoot:
“That was a very difficult scene … My real life started to bleed into my acting and I became focused on how I would say this to my son. How am I going to show my son that what is about to happen is going to hurt me beyond belief? But how can I also stay strong for him and allow him to follow through with his decision? It was a lot.”
For now…
There is no reporting that suggests that McHugh is leaving the show; he could be gone in the early going in season 8, but a chance remains for him to come back later on.
Related – What happened with Bobby over the course of the 9-1-1 finale?
What did you think about the events of the 9-1-1 season 7 finale, and do you think that Christopher is gone for good?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.