Blue Bloods series finale: Is someone going to die?

Personally, we do tend to think that the series finale of Blue Bloods is going to be a grand celebration of everything we’ve seen over the years. However, is there still a reason to be worried? While it is hard to imagine that there are going to be any huge swings that would completely eliminate the possibility of more down the road, remember this — the writers may also want it to stand out from the pack.
So what are we worried about at present? That’s not all that hard to really explain, given that executive producer Siobhan Byrne O’Connor shared on Instagram that there is some location scouting going on for the final episode at a cemetery. When you couple this with the fact that the title here is “End of Tour,” there are reasons for some concern.
Does all of this mean that the show is going to kill off a core Reagan? It is possible, but it also feels hard to imagine that they’d do something to Erin, Danny, or Jamie — we’ve already had the storyline with Joe and there is no point in doing that again. We actually wonder if this is all scouting for a scene that will take place around Joe’s grave, especially since O’Connor seemed to suggest that you’d be seeing Will Hochman back as Joe Hill for the finale.
For the time being, the best thing to do is not make any sweeping assumptions, as there are plenty of reasons why a scene could be shot around a cemetery. This finale will more than likely air before Christmas, but that is not currently confirmed. For now, just prepare for a number of further teases over the next couple of weeks — and also for a number of emotional moments on-set.
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Do you think that someone is going to die over the Blue Bloods series finale?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.