Evil season 4 episode 2: What is Sheryl’s endgame?

Coming out of Evil season 4 episode 2 on Paramount+ today, we understand if you have questions aplenty when it comes to Sheryl. How can you not?
After all, for most of this episode we saw Kristen’s mother doing basically whatever she could in order to find some legitimacy in the company … but at what cost? That’s the tricky thing, given that the episode concluded with her finally getting some sort of promotion … albeit with a pretty severe cost. Sure, she may have a better spot, but it’s also a tiny office with a low glass ceiling (get it?), where she can be watched from above by Leland and a lot of the other men.
Trying to understand what this character is doing is rather difficult, given that it doesn’t feel like her efforts are really getting her anywhere. Not only that, but you can argue that she is only going to alienate herself even further from her family — does she really even think about that?
Speaking to TV Insider about the events of this episode, executive producer Michelle King at least offered her perspective on the issue:
“I think she’s always worried about not having power in life, that men have power, and she’s worried about that for her granddaughters and she’s pursuing what she thinks is an institution that will get her more power … But of course, there’s a glass ceiling there again.”
Of course, by the end of this season it is our hope that a certain element of closure on a lot of this — but we also don’t think that there is going to be much of a happy endgame for Sheryl here at all. While we do think that there are hopeful elements to this show (despite what it may seem at times), she has also done a number of things that cannot be walked back.
Related – Want to understand more when it comes to Evil season 4 episode 3 next week?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.