The Big Door Prize season 2 episode 9 spoilers: Last before finale

As you get prepared to see The Big Door Prize season 2 episode 9 on Apple TV+ next week, there is quite a bit to think about.
So, where should we start off here? Well, it is worth noting that this is going to be the penultimate one of the season! If it feels like this season has blown by — well, to be frank, it has! It also feels like it has aired almost entirely off the radar, with there not being a lot when it comes to promotion here. We’re not surprised at all, with that in mind, that the show is a little bit lower on the streamer’s viewership charts than what we saw in season 1. (Does anyone else think it’s crazy that Ted Lasso is still in the top five?)
What we’re trying to say here is simple: If you love The Big Door Prize, tell your friends to check it out! This is going to be a big way to save it.
Now, let’s talk more about the story, shall we? The title for the penultimate episode here is “Un-Selfploration.” Meanwhile, the synopsis below gives you a better sense of what’s to come:
The town prepares for the Deercoming Parade. Beau fulfills a secret dream. Trina and Jacob take their relationship to the next level.
No matter how certain things unfold over the course of the next episode, one thing does feel abundantly clear: The story will almost certainly carry directly over to the finale. Could there be another big cliffhanger or surprising change? We tend to think so, and that does of course raise a lot of questions when there is no season 3 confirmed. (We don’t want to get too far ahead of ourselves here, so let’s just see how the story ends for now before we take things a step further.)
What do you most want to see moving into The Big Door Prize season 2 episode 9?
What story are you most excited to see? Share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back — there are some other updates on the way.