Evil season 4 spoilers: Mike Colter on road ahead, finale

As so many of you (unfortunately) may be aware at this point, Evil season 4 is the final one. What does that mean? Well, eventually we are going to be building our way towards some sort of conclusion, which could be both shocking as well as emotional at the same time.
Of course, if you are hoping to some sort of clarity as to what the end is going to look like in advance, our advice is rather simple: Good luck. There is almost a zero-percent chance that is going to happen, and the priority here instead will be working in order to ensure that we are constantly on our times. In the end, though, we should see a series finale that is reasonably satisfying — even if it also leaves a door slightly ajar for a season 5 that may or may not happen. (It would likely take the show finding a new home.)
Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, star Mike Colter indicates that showrunners Robert and Michelle King had their work cut out for them when they learned the show was going to be ending — especially with just four “bonus episodes” at the end of the season to tie things up:
“They like to have time to really process where they’re gonna go and I don’t think they like to be rushed … [When] we found out we were coming to an end, they had a few months, and I think Robert had to come up with the best parts of what he had intended on doing for the next two seasons and just touch on some things and, at the same time, leave it open. Leave it somewhere [between] a fulfilling ending and still not shut the door completely.
“So it was a really hard ask for him, but I think he did a great job … There were some things about the four episodes that made me think, ‘Oh, if we had 20-something more episodes, this is what would have been seen from our characters.’ So it’s a great place to be in, and Robert and Michelle and their writing staff did a great job, so kudos to them.”
If you love this show and want to see a last-minute revival, the only thing we can say is this: Not only watch season 4 as the episodes come out, but recommend past seasons on Netflix! The more viewers can discover the show, the better off it is.
Related – Want to learn some other news entering the next Evil episode right now?
What do you most want to see through the remainder of Evil season 4?
Also, how do you feel the story is going to conclude? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back — there are some other updates ahead.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.