Doctor Who season 14 episode 5: Black Mirror comparisons

Doctor Who season 14
Photo: BBC One

A little later this week you’re going to have a chance to see Doctor Who season 14 episode 5, a pretty unique story titled “Dot and Bubble.” So, what lies ahead here?

If you’ve seen some of the previews already for this episode, then you know a little bit already about what lies ahead here. There is a real sci-fi component to it, as well as some ideas that technology could be an enormous threat within a particular community. there are going to be some pretty clear comparisons made to this show and Netflix’s Black Mirror — which, ironically, ventured a little bit from its own initial premise on this past season.

For all of those wondering, showrunner Russell T. Davies is well-aware of the Black Mirror connections that people will make her in advance of “Dot and Bubble” airing. In speaking a little bit further all about it, here is what he had to say to Doctor Who Magazine:

“This is probably our clearest step into Black Mirror territory, which I love. I’m a huge fan of Charlie Brooker. He’s immensely brilliant. But there’s a little bit more freedom and Doctor Who madness in Dot and Bubble. There’s a sense of fun. And monsters in the middle of it.

“So although it’s Black Mirror-like, it’s more Doctor Who. It’s got the bones and the blood of our favourite show. I hoot a lot when I watch it.”

Ultimately, we do think that one of the best things that any long-running show can do is give itself some license to explore and have a little bit of fun. These are, after all, the things that will help to keep a series on the air for many years and have people constantly rethinking expectations. In a way, every single show out there needs something like this.

Related Be sure to get some other news on Doctor Who now, including more on the complicated story from this past week

What do you most want to see moving into Doctor Who season 14 episode 5 a little later this week?

Do you welcome a lot of Black Mirror comparisons? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for more.

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