Big Brother 26 cast reveal: When to expect it

With Survivor 46 now over (even if the drama continues), why not look more towards Big Brother 26 this summer? If you have not heard as of yet, the reality sensation is coming back on July 17 and July 18 in a two-night event.
So how much can we say about the season right now? Well, for starters, there’s a legitimately good chance that we’re going to see the show return to the 82-90 day range for the season. Last season’s 100-day format was exhausting and also way too long for the series. Some of that, though, was due to the industry strikes of last year. There is no real reason to think that we’re going to be going back to that at this point.
As for the cast, we expect all newbies, largely because these tend to be better seasons in the social-media age — also, there’s something more interesting about watching people who are not altogether self-aware. An official cast reveal will probably be around July 15, at least if the show follows the pattern of last year.
If you’re wondering why the cast reveal is so close to the actual premiere, the only answer that we can give you right now is simple: It’s a function of the show wanting to accommodate for a lot of last-minute changes. Also, there’s no real incentive to reveal things early — they aren’t going to do something just to help people with their fantasy drafts.
Will there be live feeds again?
For now, it is fair to assume so. Do they cause problems for CBS on social media a lot of the time? Sure, but they also bring in a lot of money to Paramount+ and are a major part of the game. It’s also easy to say that the loss of live feeds has significantly hurt the quality of Big Brother Canada — without spoiling too much of this past season of the Canadian show, there was a significant narrative that was lost on a lot of viewers most of the season that only barely made it into the air shows.
Let’s just hope that there are a group of fun, enthusiastic, and non-problematic people who make up the BB26 cast this go-around…
What do you most want to see moving into Big Brother 26 on CBS?
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