Will Trent season 3: Is there still hope for Will, Angie?

Will Trent season 2
Photo: ABC

Is there any universe in which Will and Angie could get back together on Will Trent season 3? We do recognize that on some level, the mere idea of this feels insane. However, at the same time, crazier things in the world have happened.

Before diving too deep into anything, let’s remind everyone where things left off: Will had to arrest her near the end of the season 2 finale, recognizing her role in the cover-up. You could see through his visions of his future that he did not want to do it and yet, he also felt like he had no choice ethically. Will’s now taken off, Angie faces severe consequences, and it’s still not clear when the two will ever see each other again.

Yet, you probably cannot rule anything out here, even still — as crazy as the idea may sound. Speaking on this subject further to TVLine, here is some of what star Erika Christensen had to say:

I mean, it’s television! There’s always a way. Where there’s a Will — wink, wink — there’s a way. I feel like there must be a way back, even if it’s a long road. They seem fated for each other, especially when — there was the whole flash forward, but there were also the little flashbacks that encompassed their lives together, and their entire relationship. Seeing Young Angie come to him [in Episode 10] to help talk it through to the point where he does arrest her, I thought that was fascinating, that it was his idea of her that says keep your integrity intact on this. Actions have consequences.

Now, we will see what those consequences are, and it is possible Will still does what he can to help her, even if he did have to arrest her. This show can be complicated, but isn’t that a part of why we love it?

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Will Trent right now, including when it comes return

What do you think could be coming for Will and Angie on Will Trent season 3?

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