Evil season 4 episode 2: What’s next for David, Kristen?

We’ve had a chance to check out now the Evil season 4 premiere and with that, there is another big change in the David, Kristen dynamic.
So, what exactly are we looking at here? Well, let’s just say that Andy went to David with accusations of an affair between him and Kristen (while under Leland’s influence). With that, of course David went and reported back to Katja Herbers’ character. The two had a frank conversation about their feelings and yet, it isn’t getting in the way of their job!
As a matter of fact, Mike Colter seemed to suggest to TV Guide that in some ways, this admission may make it even easier for the two to work together moving forward:
“It’s a very adult thing to do, to admit you have feelings for someone and then still be around them and not act on them … I don’t know if it’s better or worse, but it does feel liberating to say, ‘Hey, I do have feelings for you. Now let’s go talk about the case.'”
Ultimately, our sentiment at present is that we are going to be seeing these two continue to do their best to make the world a better place … but what they are up against is pretty severe. If Leland does something more to Andy, it could also be pretty severe. There is so much at stake, and that’s without even mentioning the limited timeline that suggests that the end of the world could be coming before too long. Is Kristen and Leland’s baby going to be the case of it? That’s another thing! This whole season is a mess but then again, that’s probably one of the reasons why what we’re watching at this point is so exciting. It’s a glorious mess in every dark way possible.
Related – Get more news entering the next Evil episode
What do you think we’re going to see moving forward on Evil season 4 episode 2 over on Paramount+?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.