Evil season 4 episode 1 preview: ‘How to Split an Atom’

In just under 24 hours, you are going to have a chance to see Evil season 4 episode 1 arrive. Are you ready for what lies ahead here?
Well, the first order of business here is talking about the title in “How to Split an Atom,” which is going to be a part of an ongoing and recurring theme with the show this season. There are a lot of “How To” titles ahead, and we know from the past few seasons that there are a lot of themes when it comes to how stories are named.
As for what’s ahead here plot-wise, it is true that Paramount+ is keeping things under wraps when it comes to sharing details about the exact nature of the story. What we can at least say is this — there is a lot for the writers to pick up on following the big reveal about Kristen’s egg being implanted by Leland. We’ve known for a long time that he’s had some nefarious intentions and now, this is where some of them could come to roost.
At this same time, though, it feels rather clear that Kristen still has a job to do alongside the likes of David and Ben — so what exactly are they going to be doing here? We do tend to think that there’s a chance that we’re going to have a chance to see some other crazy cases, but also ones that are grounded in something that is perhaps higher stakes than ever before. After all, this is the final season! It doesn’t feel like that was a known thing at the time the premiere was first greenlit, but there may have already been some plans to escalate the story over time. Wouldn’t this be what makes the most sense?
Related – Get a new Evil video, including more from a lot of the cast members involved!
What do you think we are going to see moving into the Evil season 4 premiere?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.