Interview with the Vampire season 2 episode 3 video: Lestat’s past

This weekend, you will have a chance to see Interview with the Vampire season 2 episode 3 over on AMC — so what will stand out?
Well, for starters, this episode is going to be a chance to learn a little bit more about Lestat deep into the past — and of course, that does make sense! We know already that he was a part of the Theatre Des Vampires once upon a time, and this is a chance to explore that a little bit more.
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If you head over to the link here, you can see a new preview for what lies ahead, one that does feature a lot of flashbacks and certainly a lot of theatricality. This is where we could also learn a little bit more about Armand, as well, and what could be rather curious here is quite simple: All of this is far before Louis’ arrival in France! This does allow us to have a slightly different perspective on the story and if some of that is told to Daniel, how is he going to react to all of this?
Another interesting thing to consider…
Let’s just say that there is at least one character coming over the course of this episode who is familiar to fans of the Anne Rice source material. We don’t want to say too much more given the fact that we try to be relatively spoiler-free here, but there are certainly some reasons to be excited for what’s to come!
The only sad thing is that we are already such a big chunk of the way through the season — why are things having to move so fast?
Related – Be sure to get some more details on Interview with the Vampire season 2 episode 3 — what’s to come?
What do you think we are going to see moving into Interview with the Vampire season 2 episode 3 on AMC?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.