The Voice 25 finale: Will Nathan Chester or Karen Waldrup win?

The Voice season 25
Photo: NBC

In just a matter of hours on NBC is going to bring to you the first part of the finale for The Voice 25 — so, who is the favorite to win?

At this point, the best word we would use to describe this particular season is “curious.” After all, it feels on paper like there is a clear favorite in Nathan Chester. Not only is he one of the best pure singers we’ve seen on the show in a while, but he is a consummate performer who knows how to work a stage. You can argue that out of anyone we’re seeing on the show right now, he is the most tailor-made to go out and be a star almost overnight. (Of course, whether or not that happens will depend on how much support he actually gets.)

Now that we’ve poured on the praise for Nathan, we do have to barge in here with a dose of reality, as well — being the best performer in the eyes of many online means almost nothing. There are some other great talents, and Karen Waldrup is one who seems to be more and more of a darkhorse over time. She’s gotten progressively better all season, and it would be foolish to ignore the fact that she comes from a genre in country that enormously popular with viewers. Asher HaVon has also received a lot of praise as of late.

Conventional wisdom would suggest that one of these three is going to win the title, but this really may be a situation where the final performances matter greatly. In the past, The Voice has had some seasons where so long as you don’t bomb completely at the end, you have a pretty good chance of hoisting that trophy. We’re not exactly sure this is one of those. Song choice will matter a lot.

Who do you think is the favorite to win The Voice 25 at the moment?

Do you think the winner could come as a surprise to a ton of people? Share right now in the attached comments!

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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