Guilt season 4: Is it renewed at PBS? Is season 3 the end?

Guilt season 3
Photo: PBS

Given that tonight marks the season 3 finale over on PBS, it does feel like the proper time to ask — will there be a season 4?

There’s no denying that dark mystery series has produced some great stories over the past few seasons; however, every story must have an end. In general British shows are often made to not last an extremely long period of time, and that absolutely seems to be the model here. From the get-go Guilt was meant to have a defined conclusion, and we have now reached it.

Speaking to the BBC in the past, here is what writer Neil Forsyth had to say about wanting the show to last for three seasons and that’s it:

“I did have a pipe-dream of doing a trilogy but that felt like something that was so distant in those early days when it was just about trying to get the show on the air and keeping it on the air. That’s the big challenge. It’s very hard to get a show on television and it’s even harder to keep it there.

“After the second series, when I spoke to the BBC, I said that what I’d like to do is one more and I feel very privileged to have been given the opportunity.”

So even though we have reached the end of this story, one of the good things about Forsyth is that he is a prolific-enough producer for us to know that he will pursue some other ideas. Odds are, you will see another creation from him on PBS down the road — in the meantime, you can also check out The Gold over on Paramount+ if you wish. There are at least some thematic similarities between the two projects.

Are we sad that Guilt does not have a season 4 coming? Sure, but it is equally easy to be grateful for the journey.

Are you sad that there is no Guilt season 4 coming to BBC One at some point down the road?

Let us know in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back — there are a lot of other updates on the way.

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