Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight, 5/19/24?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Photo: HBO

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? Of course, we are anticipating another hiatus in the near future. Is that going to be tonight?

Well, this is where we should go ahead and note the following — the good news! There is a new episode airing again tonight, and we certainly know that there is quite a bit of stuff happening that serves as good fodder for the host. Think in terms of all the headlines from the past week in particular.

Now, let’s also go ahead and say the following about the main segment portion of the show, shall we? It does feel like the right time for Oliver to take on either something that is international in nature, or a little bit more off of his beaten path? He jokes himself sometimes about having pieces about boring and sometimes granular subjects and while that can work, you do need a little bit of spice sometimes in order to keep people on their toes!

Regardless of whatever the main segment is tonight, let’s go ahead and add here that it could potentially be the last one for the month of May. With next week being Memorial Day Weekend, we have a hard time imagining that there’s going to be a new episode then. That will allow the show to have a breather, and then come back for a lot of the summer months.

Given that we are in the midst of an election year, we certainly think that there will be a lot for the show to have insofar as material goes between now and November. How often will it actually lean into election coverage? It is a worthy question, mostly because it can be quite easy for people to be inundated with it given how cable news tends to keep headlines going all the time.

What do you most want to see featured on the latest Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episode?

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