Doctor Who season 14 episode 3: A Mundy surprise

For everyone out there who was hoping to see some sort of surprise on Doctor Who season 14 episode 3, let’s just say we got it! “Boom” proved to be a fantastic story told by none other than former showrunner Steven Moffat, but he also managed to drop in something significant potentially to the show’s long-term future. To be specific, we are talking here about Mundy.
After all, it turns out that this character is played by none other than Varada Sethu, who is set to join the show next season full-time as a companion! There are some echoes in here to what happened a good while ago with none other than Jenna Coleman, but there’s no guarantee that things long-term will play out here the same exact way.
Speaking to TV Insider, all Moffat would say is indicate that there is some sort of idea being played around with, and that you will get more clarity in due time:
“[Showrunner] Russell [T Davies] has a plan, and I don’t know what the exact details of his release of that plan are going to be … I simply wrote the character of Mundy, and she did what she had to do in the story.”
Moffat will be back to work more on the show down the road, and in particular, he has noted that the upcoming Christmas Special may be his swan song for the series. In a way, all of these stories are a blessing given that once upon a time, we weren’t sure that he would ever be coming back at all following his original stint. After all, he (like so many other British writer / producers) has been working on a number of other things, and there was no guarantee that Davies would inquire about his services.
Related – Be sure to get some more news about Doctor Who, including what’s ahead on season 14 episode 3
What do you think the significance of Mundy will be on Doctor Who season 14 long-term?
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