SWAT season 8: EP talks Alex Russell, Kenny Johnson future

Is there a chance that Alex Russell and Kenny Johnson could come back on SWAT season 8 at some point? Fans certainly want it. However, at the same time there are no guarantees.
To call the situation delicate is putting it mildly. When the scripts for season 7 were being written, it happened largely with the thought in mind that it would be the final season. Since then, though, things have obviously changed a great deal! There is more of the show coming, but we do wonder if there are cost limitations to how much more we could get the two actors back — after all, this could be a factor in why they were in so little of season 7 at the same time.
In speaking on this subject further to TV Insider, showrunner Andrew Dettmann at least made it clear that he would love to see the performers come back in some capacity:
“I would love to see them back … The one heartbreaking thing was when we were told this is the end, Season 7, giving Street and Alex that goodbye, making part of Long Beach PD, giving Luca that heartbreaking goodbye that Kenny played so well, those seemed like great story opportunities that the writers were clamoring to do, but now it’s like, oh boy, we wrote them out.
“There’s no reason why LAPD couldn’t do a case with the Long Beach PD in which we can bring Street back. I am hoping Alex, who plays Street. also directs for us. I don’t have my director’s list for Season 8 yet because that’s a complicated process, but I would love if Alex came back to direct, and if I can convince him to step in front of the camera too, I’ll do that … And the same with Kenny. I adore Kenny. We all parted on really good terms. He was so happy with the episodes that he got and his goodbye. So yeah, I hope so. I’d love to see both of them back again.”
One other possibility for the show is that you have a wedding for Street and Chris, though that would also take bringing Lina Esco back, as well. Of course, we’d love to see it happen and we also tend to think that the writers would, as well. It largely comes down to a number of factors, and hopefully more news will come out about it this summer.
Related – Read more news on the upcoming SWAT season 7 finale
What do you most want to see moving into SWAT season 8?
Are there some people from the past who could come back? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do that, stay tuned — there are a lot of other updates ahead.
This article was written by Jessica Bunbun.