Sugar season 2: Series star on possible stories

Sugar season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

In less than 24 hours from the time of this writing the Sugar season 1 finale is going to be here, and how can you not start to look ahead?

After all, in the wake of all the limited series that are out there these days, the Colin Farrell show isn’t one of them. The door is being left open for more and in light of the recent alien reveal, it absolutely feels like there are plenty of stories that can still be explored. Where did the aliens come from, and are they really there to just observe?

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Speaking in a new interview with Collider, Kirby (who plays the part of Ruby on the show) indicated that in the event the show comes back, there are a lot of important ideas that can be touched on:

Typically film noir is film. You have under two hours to explore a story, which means that you have to find a way to show the story and show the characters within that world, but you also have to tie the story up very quickly. We’re so fortunate here, to have the time to explore. We have eight one-hour episodes, so we can really explore, we can dig into relationships, we can dig into social issues, and we can dig into the genre. I’m excited that, if there is a continuation, we would just continue that. I’m really excited for audiences to see what we have here. The beautiful thing about TV is that it’s a two-way street between the audience, and what happens in subsequent seasons is influenced by how people receive the first season.

To date, we do think that Sugar has been incredibly well-received (at least for people who liked the twist) and with that in mind, Apple TV+ is going to consider getting more out there. The biggest obstacle standing in the show’s way? The high amount of competition that is out there!

Related Be sure to get some more news on Sugar right now, including what else is coming

Where do you think we are going to see things going story-wise entering a possible season 2 of Sugar?

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