Blue Bloods season 14 episode 10: A Jamie, Eddie sneak peek

Are you ready to see Blue Bloods season 14 episode 10 arrive in just a matter of days? We sure hope so, and for many reasons! This is the last episode that will be airing until the fall, and that means that the odds are higher that you see a few stories of note.
What’s one of the most interesting stories here? Well, let’s just go ahead and say here that Jamie and Eddie are going to go undercover in order to take on a corrupt sober-living home. Also, this is happening around their anniversary! If you can head over to the link here, you can see some sneak previews in which the two get a much better understanding of what the case is, plus also a flirty scene between the two. Honestly, we don’t get enough of that! Yes, we are aware that this show is not about romance, but there aren’t that many opportunities that the writers have to actually allow these characters to be husband and wife.
As for what else is coming up in this episode, let’s just say that there is going to be an opportunity to see Baker give Frank a good tongue-lashing over not reading any of the notes or briefings that she has set up for him for the day. Honestly, she’s in the right to be upset over it! Also, we think she’s acting this way for a listen. Judging from the synopsis for this episode, there’s a chance that the person who made this appointment is Henry.
Why would Frank’s dad turn up here? Well, we do think that he will be there on official business — and not necessarily the sort of thing for the dinner table.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Blue Bloods now, including what else is ahead in this episode
What do you most want to see moving into Blue Bloods season 14 episode 10 on CBS this Friday?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.