Deal or No Deal Island finale: Was Boston Rob eliminated?

Heading into the Deal or No Deal Island finale, there was one question that, of course, was top of mind for many viewers. Was Boston Rob actually eliminated at the top of the episode?
For those who need a quick refresher, the Survivor legend was dealt a pretty harsh penalty for breaking one of the rules in the most-recent challenge — sneak a peek at what his competitors were doing. This was not something that was done in malice; instead, Rob just made the crucial mistake of not paying attention when the rules were being read. This is something that is often allowed in Survivor, but this is a totally different show.
Anyhow, it is easy to argue that the producers intentionally edited the penultimate episode of the show in a way to keep people watching entering the finale. If Rob is about to be eliminated, you’d risk losing a lot of his fans who may not watch tonight at all! Of course, this is just a theory, but we’ll see how everything plays out — and we’re going to have updates throughout the night.
Or, do we really need to? Well, in the opening minutes tonight, the show resolved the cliffhanger and with that, Boston Rob was sent out of the competition. He said he was grateful to be there, but that this exit almost hurts more simply due to the fact that he did it to himself. Nobody took him out and in a different world, he probably would have still been there.
In the end, it is pretty darn easy to call the Boston Rob casting, all things considered, a runaway success! The show got almost everything that they want from his in terms of entertainment and viewership. Now, we just wonder if there is another big name they will bring on board down the road.
Related – When will Deal or No Deal Island season 2 premiere?
What have you thought of Boston Rob all season on Deal or No Deal Island?
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