When Calls the Heart season 11 episode 7 promo: Tom’s offer

As we prepare for When Calls the Heart season 11 episode 7 on Hallmark Channel next week, are you ready for a generous helping of nostalgia?
The promo that you saw last night for the show effectively gave away that the return of Tom Thornton to Hope Valley is nigh, and that will allow for a chance for Elizabeth to reconnect with some of her past. He also is bringing with him an offer for the choir to potentially perform down in Salt Lake City, but is everything quite as it seems here? That is another question that you have to wonder about for now. She worries that he may be getting tricked by someone, especially as he tries so hard to escape his brother’s shadow.
Here is where some other possible conflict could emerge — in this promo, you hear an interesting comment from Nathan suggesting that he, as well, feels like he is struggling to escape Jack’s shadow. However, Elizabeth never looked at him that way. It may be natural that he does feel a certain amount of insecurity, given that Jack was a Mountie and also loved Erin Krakow’s character — he may worry that he does not measure up, especially since she initially chose Lucas instead of him.
What we really hope is that this episode can offer up a chance to actually explore what’s going on in Nathan’s head, especially since mental health and insecurities for men are often not spoken about in a particularly thoughtful man. Nathan is heroic, dashing, and so many other things, but just because so many people view him that way on the outside, that does not mean that he feels that way about himself on the inside. There are a number of other layers that could be explored here, and we are curious to see what some of those could look like over time.
Related – Learn more about what else is ahead on this episode of When Calls the Heart
What do you think we are going to see moving into When Calls the Heart season 11 episode 7?
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