Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight, 5/12/24?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Photo: HBO

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? Is there another chance for a pretty memorable main segment?

Well, there is no real reason here to prolong any drama, so let’s just go ahead and share a little bit of the good news: You are going to see more of the series in just a matter of hours! While there could be some sort of hiatus before long, we are also pleased to say that we’re not there as of yet.

So what is going to be the focus for this episode? Well, some of that remains to be seen, but we tend to think that on some level, we are going to be seeing the trailer of a former President in at least the earlier part of the show. Sure, that may not be something that you see as much of later on in the episode, but we do think it will be a part of the current-event roundup in some shape or form.

It feels pretty hard to be able to sit back and predict just what a segment is going to be about at this point, but we do want to see the show do something that a little bit different and daring. These are the sort of things that do help the series stand out. Think back to the earlier seasons of the show with that Edward Snowden interview — regardless of your opinions about it, that generated a lot of headlines. The same goes for the Clarence Thomas segment at the start of the season.

In general, Oliver is an extremely skilled interviewer and in the right setting, we would love nothing more than to see more of that on the show — in the end, it just has to be at the right place and the right time.

What do you most want to see entering the next Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episode?

Go ahead and let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back — there are some other updates coming up in the near future.

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