Saturday Night Live: Beyonce (Maya Rudolph) returns on Hot Ones

If there is one thing that we will continue to give credit to Maya Rudolph for on Saturday Night Live, it is her Hot Ones appearances as various characters. She’s done it before as Beyonce for the sketch show, and she also did it as her character from Loot.
For tonight’s episode, she came back as Beyonce to do this all over again. Rudolph is supposedly a fan of the Sean Evans-hosted show, and also is fantastic at doing great facial reactions. She’s perfect for spoofing Hot Ones, and that is without even noting her great impression of the music icon. We’ve heard her do this for a good decade now and it never gets old. Her calling Evans Gollum may be one of the greatest things that we’ve seen all season long.
There is not that much more that we can say about this sketch other than you should watch it (if you haven’t already) or re-watch it. This is one of the reasons why Rudolph is a treasure, and why we were very-much excited to have her back as a host. Even though this sketch was really just a few people in her, Mikey Day, and Kenan Thompson, it never felt sparse. It also feels like it could have gone on for a few more minutes and we would not have been mad about that at all. Sometimes, it’s better to leave everyone wanting more.
Now, let’s just go ahead and raise the following question: Is there a chance that we’re going to see Maya do Beyonce again at some point in a few years? Honestly, it feels like this would be just a tradition that goes on for the rest of the pop icon’s career.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Saturday Night Live now, including our take on the cold open
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