Young Sheldon series finale promo: George’s funeral

CBS has started to ramp up their promotion for the Young Sheldon series finale, and there are two events that seem to stand out.
First and foremost, we are preparing now for what will be one of the most emotional moments in the entirety of the Big Bang Theory franchise: The death of George Sr. We knew it was coming and yet, it was still so unbelievably tough to watch all of it play out.
Now, as we move forward, let’s get into a larger conversation here about another important subject: How will the funeral play out? This is featured in the promos for the finale and while it will be sad, it does also feel like there could be some happy moments sprinkled in here and there. This is not a show that will want you leaving it with tears running down your face constantly.
This brings us now to the other main event: Why Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik are present during the finale in an on-screen manner. Why has Sheldon been telling us this story of his life? Well, the fair assumption to make at this point is that he is writing a book about it, and we’ve been getting all of these stories from a time where he can be a little bit more reflective. This is one of the reasons why some stories and elements may be different from what we heard during the original sitcom, as we were dealing with a version of Sheldon then who was emotional and reactive — a pretty far guy in all fronts from who we are dealing with now, and that should be obvious to just about everyone.
This finale should be a proper tribute to this part of Sheldon’s life, but it is also not the end of the franchise — a Georgie spin-off is still ahead!
Related – Learn more about the death of George Sr. now
What do you most want to see moving into the Young Sheldon series finale over at CBS?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.