Power Book II: Ghost season 4 trailer features Tariq at war

With the final season of Power Book II: Ghost on Starz just a matter of weeks ahead, why not dive head-first into the new trailer?
If you head over to the link here now, you can see a trailer that features exactly what is coming up on the final stretch of episodes. Within them, it is going to be pretty darn clear that both Tariq St. Patrick and Brayden are each on the run. This was set up at the end of season 3 — they don’t exactly have a lot of allies at this point, and they are going to have a hard time surviving. Will they? Let’s just say that remains to be seen.
To get a few more details on what’s ahead, take a look at the synopsis below:
With targets on his back from all angles, Tariq must decide whether to embrace the St. Patrick name for better or for worse. Everyone is on the hunt for revenge and each character’s respective motivations fuel their power of choice to dive deeper into the game or fight their way out. As power dynamics and family tensions reach their peak, the high-adrenaline twists and turns of this season will have viewers guessing who, if anyone, makes it out alive.
In a statement, here is what Michael Rainey Jr. had to say about the show coming to a close:
While this chapter of “Power Book II: Ghost” is ending, you absolutely cannot miss this final season. I’ve loved working with this cast and crew and we can’t wait for you to see this epic grand finale to a series that’s been so close to our hearts over the past four years. The Power Universe is blessed with the most amazing fans and I personally can’t wait for their reactions as all of the action unfolds!
Now, let’s just hope that the show does manage to stick the landing.
Related – Why is Power Book II: Ghost ending with season 4 in the first place?
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