9-1-1 season 7 episode 7 spoilers: Eddie’s unresolved feelings

For those who have not heard as of yet, 9-1-1 season 7 episode 7 carries with it the title of “Ghost of a Second Chance.” What in the world does that mean? Well, based on the information that we’ve heard as of right now, it feels likely that it’s somehow tied to Eddie. This is a guy who could be revisiting a certain aspect of his past over the course of this episode, and we’re curious to see what exactly means for his present! Soul-searching does certainly seem to be a theme for the season so far, and it is manifesting itself in a number of different ways.
Curious to learn more about this particular story ahead? Then go ahead and check out the 9-1-1 season 7 episode 7 synopsis below:
Maddie and Athena investigate a case surrounding an abducted mother and child as Hen and Karen learn more about Mara’s family history. Meanwhile, Eddie grapples with unresolved feelings for someone from his past.
The Maddie storyline has already been hinted at in the promos for what’s ahead, and there could be a lot of trauma that is revisited for her. Luckily, she will have the support of everyone around her along the way, including her husband Chimney. (Isn’t it nice to call him that now?)
As for whether this episode full resolves things when it comes to the Eddie storyline, that remains to be seen — but rest assured, we are certainly excited to find out! We’re also curious about what is going to happen with Buck within this episode, largely because there’s no real insight about him mentioned in the synopsis. Most of the 118 now knows about his relationship with Tommy, so there is at least a chance for him to be more open now about who he really is.
Related – Will it be smooth sailing for Maddie and Chimney as a couple moving into the rest of 9-1-1 season 7?
What do you most want to see moving into 9-1-1 season 7 episode 7?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.