Grey’s Anatomy season 20 finale spoilers: The Meredith storyline

While we can’t necessarily confirm 100% that Ellen Pompeo will appear in the upcoming Grey’s Anatomy season 20 finale, does it at least feel likely?
Well, let’s just put it this way — based on all the information that we’ve seen so far, it would be shocking if Meredith Grey does not turn up in some form. After all, showrunner Meg Marinis told Deadline recently that the storyline about her secret Alzheimer’s research is going to have a significant role to play:
“Heading towards the end of the season, because it’s a shorter season of 10 episodes because of the strikes, we really pay off what we started in episode one at the end of the season. Interns being in trouble, Meredith doing this secret research, things come to a head.”
A lot of early indications tend to suggest that there will also be a cliffhanger, and that makes you wonder this: How do you differentiate it from every other cliffhanger that we’ve seen over the years? At this point, it feels a little easier said than done. We just think that so long as you can create new challenges for a lot of characters, we’ll be excited for the end result.
As for Dr. Grey and her research, all we want to see are some steps forward. Sure, we understand that Grey’s Anatomy is a fictional world, but wouldn’t it be rather great if we did somehow see Alzheimer’s cured at some point before the series ends? That is at least something that we feel like we could get behind as a way to give viewers hope. Wouldn’t that be a nice alternative, as well, to all of the various times that this show has made us cry over the years?
There are a few more episodes to get through before we do arrive at the finale — because of this, you have to entertain the possibility that a number of things could easily change over time.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on the Grey’s Anatomy finale and what you can expect
How do you think that Grey’s Anatomy season 20 is going to conclude?
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