Evil season 5: Could past seasons on Netflix help cause?

For those who have not heard as of yet, Evil season 4 is coming to Paramount+ next month, and it will be the final season … or will it?
Well, what we can say for now is that at present, all plans are for the brilliant / crazy show to wrap up in the weeks and months to come, and it was specifically given more additional episodes to make sure that it gets a proper ending.
Here is where things do get a little bit interesting: Come April 30, some past seasons are going to be made available on Netflix, and we’ve seen in the past how the streaming service has helped shows to blow u. At this point in its run, Evil feels like a perfect candidate for it. It has some procedural elements that could allow it to be watched sporadically, but still a larger story, deep mythology, and some genuinely creepy stuff. Also, it’s got Mike Colter, who Netflix viewers know already from Luke Cage, plus also Michael Emerson, who just about everyone knows at this point.
While a season 5 revival may seem unlikely, who knows what could happen? Our advice for now is just the you recommend the show to your friends and then after that, hope for the best. Crazier things have happened over the years than a show like this getting some sort of a second chance.
One thought that has already crossed our mind…
Just imagine how weird Evil could get on a service like this, and also how it could attract more viewers to Paramount+. Who knows? If that happens on a large enough scale, it could make that service change their minds. Anything feels possible, at least at this particular moment in time.
Related – Get some other discussion now when it comes to Evil and what lies ahead
Do you think there is any chance that an Evil season 5 happens at Netflix?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.