Miss Scarlet season 5 spoilers: Who is Alexander Blake?

As we prepare for the newly-named Miss Scarlet over at PBS, why not discuss a new addition to the show?
First, a quick little refresher — for those unaware, Stuart Martin has officially departed the show and with that, there is no more Duke to throw into the mix here. That has prompted a title change — heck, he was already gone for a good chunk of recent seasons!
Now, we know that Eliza is going to be getting a new partner on the show in the form of Alexander Blake, so why not learn more about him? According to a report coming in from TVLine, Tom Durant Pritchard is going to play a major part in the show moving forward as the aforementioned character. Here is what the official description has to say:
“He’s not particularly shocked by a woman working as a private eye, so Eliza takes this to mean she’ll be given more cases … But their relationship gets off to a rocky start since Blake has decided not to allow private detectives to aid in his investigations. As Blake and Miss Scarlet cross paths at various crime scenes across London, they can’t help but develop mutual respect for one another, and perhaps even an attraction.”
Do we think that the show will rush some sort of romance here? Hardly but at least for now, it is something to monitor. One of the things that we do know about this show is that they love to play around with “will they or won’t they” scenarios; it would be strange to see anything different now! Of course, we do have our reservations when it comes to the continuation of this show without the Duke, but we also have a good bit of faith in both the creative team and star Kate Phillips.
Related – Read more about Martin’s original departure from the show + why it’s happened
What do you most want to see from Alexander Blake on Miss Scarlet season 5?
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