Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 episode 10: Big trouble?

Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4
Photo: NBC

Next week on NBC you’re going to have a chance to see Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 episode 10 — what can you expect to see?

Well, for starters, let’s just say that one major part of this story is not going to come as a shock. The saga of the Stabler family is still going strong, and it certainly feels like that’s one to be one of the chief narratives for most of the season. Randall may have to step up more during this episode, which carries with it the title of “Crossroads.” There is going to be a big case for the time, but at the same time, everything else going on with the family is going to continue.

If you do want to get some more news, check out the full Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 episode 10 synopsis:

04/18/2024 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Thursday) : The team works to take down a large-scale drug operation disguised as a local honey farm. In Stabler’s absence, Randall searches for Joe Jr. on his own and ends up in a bind.?? TV-14

So what about after this episode?

Based on what we’re seeing right now when it comes to the schedule, there is going to be a repeat on April 25. After that, the series will be back presumably on May 2 to kick off the final three episodes of the season. This would still get all of the show in before we get to the end of May sweeps.

Now, we really just wish that there was some sort of news out there about a season 5 renewal — it would make this home stretch easier since as it stands, we remain pretty darn confused by some of what’s going to happen from here on out. Will there actually be closure at the end of this season, or are we left in the dark?

What do you most want to see moving into Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 episode 10?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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