American Horror Story: Delicate episode 7: ‘Ave Hestia’ runtime

Tomorrow night on FX, you are going to have a chance to see American Horror Story: Delicate episode 7 arrive. Are you ready? Based on the early previews that we’ve seen for it at this point, it feels like we are going to be seeing a spotlight on the past. We could actually have a chance to learn more here about Adeline and some other aspects of the witches’ past. (Are they really witches? What in the world are they out to do?)
So is an episode like this going to justify a longer run time? It makes some sense to wonder this, largely due to how some past seasons of the show have featured longer episodes before.
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However, one of the things that we’ve noticed in general about American Horror Story: Delicate is that the producers and FX have tried to keep the story running tight; hence, the fact that “Ave Hestia” is going to be a solid hour and nothing more, per some recent listings.
If there is one episode of the show that could run a little longer, it could be the finale just because there will be more story that needs to be tied up here. At this point, we do know that there are going to be a ton of loose ends that need to be tied up. After all, what’s going on with Ivy? How much does Ms. Preecher know that is helpful to Anna? Is there any way to ensure that her baby is okay? We do hope that there is a reasonably happy end to this tale, but we will have to wait and see on that. This is not a show that guarantees those at all.
Related – Be sure to get some other insight leading into the American Horror Story: Delicate finale
What do you most want to see moving into American Horror Story: Delicate episode 7 on FX?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.