9-1-1 season 7 episode 5 spoilers: Eddie, Marisol’s future

We know that we’ve spent a lot of time as of late talking about 9-1-1 season 7 through the lens of Buck and Tommy; why not shake it up here?
Well, one of the things that should prove interesting about the next episode titled “You Don’t Know Me” is that there are opportunities to actually assess a number of different relationships. Sure, at one point you will get a spotlight for Buck and Tommy, but there is also some good stuff ahead for Hen and Karen. The same goes here for Eddie and Marisol, at least insofar as good material goes. We can’t say whether or not things are promising or not for the two of them here.
To get a few more details now on what’s coming, check out the full 9-1-1 season 7 episode 5 synopsis below:
Hen and Karen welcome a new addition to their family; a call unfolds involving a person’s limb that’s taken on a mind of its own; Eddie and Marisol take a closer look at their relationship; Buck navigates his new feelings.
It is hard to feel a lot of confidence when it comes to anything right now, but let’s just say this: Where the story is now is almost certainly not where the story is going to be moving into the rest of the season. There are a ton of big twists and turns still to come, and there is almost certainly going to be a lot more highs and lows.
The obvious sad truth at the moment is that there are only five more episodes to go after this one — whatever happens this season is going to happen fast. That feels like a foregone conclusion for that, doesn’t it?
Related – Be sure to get some more news on 9-1-1 right now, including other insight insight on what lies ahead
What do you most want to see moving into 9-1-1 season 7 episode 5?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.