Sugar season 1 spoilers: Colin Farrell on huge twist coming

Is everything as it seems when it comes to Sugar season 1 over on Apple TV+? Let’s just put it this way: Hardly. There is going to be an enormous twist coming at some point during the show, and it is something that could shock a lot of people out there. After all, it shocked Colin Farrell himself!
Speaking to TV Insider all about the new series, the actor admits that he was initially “taken aback” by the twist when he first read about it, indicating that it was not something he anticipated. Interestingly, he also notes that originally, this twist (which has not been revealed yet) was meant to actually turn up at some point within the first episode or two. However, it was then pushed back so that everyone could attach themselves more into John Sugar’s world before throwing that at them.
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Is it related to the title character himself? We tend to think so right now, largely due to the fact that there are some questions already about his past, and it seems like David Siegel in particular is intent on digging it up.
Speaking further to the aforementioned publication, Farrell described his character further, noting at least some of his positive attributes:
“John Sugar has this optimism, this belief that human beings are fundamentally good, which a very questionable belief when we see the world that we live in … Every case he works on has personal meaning. He bites off a little bit more than he can chew.”
The unfortunate truth here for Sugar remains that this is a pretty dark world. By virtue of that, it is easy to see how not every case out there is going to lead to an intended result. That includes the one he is currently working on in regards to Olivia, where he has to track down her whereabouts.
Related – See more of what’s ahead on Sugar season 1 episode 3
What have you enjoyed about the first two episodes of Sugar?
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