Wheel of Fortune: When is Pat Sajak’s final episode?

We know that throughout this season of Wheel of Fortune, one question has stood out above all others: When is Pat Sajak’s final episode? The longtime host has been a stable for viewers for a rather long time but, like with most things, there has to be a proper time to say goodbye.
So are we there at the moment? It is fair to say so, and that brings us to everything we are going to say now.
According to a new report from TVLine, Sajak will be stepping down as host following the Friday, June 7 episode. He has been a part of the syndicated game show for more than four decades, and we imagine that there are going to be more tributes leading up to that date. Vanna White, meanwhile, has already inked a deal to return after a sometimes-public period of negotiation. While incoming host Ryan Seacrest is certainly well-known, at the same time she easily is the face of the franchise now — and was already a part of it with Pat.
The plan appears to be for some of Seacrest’s first episodes to premiere starting in September, and we don’t think the shift here is going to be altogether dramatic. From the get-go, we get the feeling that this show wanted to avoid the utter catastrophe that was the Jeopardy! hosting search, whether it be the long list of guest hosts to executive producer Mike Richards being replaced a mere matter of days after stepping in the role. While Seacrest is not necessarily a person who will do a lot of different stuff as host, at the same time he is a stabilizing presence and the show is clearly looking for continuity.
Also, we tend to think that producers are going to look for ways that some of the contestants can remain the stars more so than anything else … and that does make a certain element of sense.
Related – Read more about Ryan Seacrest replacing Pat Sajak on Wheel of Fortune now
Do you think that Pat Sajak’s final Wheel of Fortune episode will feel special at all?
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