When Calls the Heart season 11 premiere video: Lucas’ fate

Are you ready to see the When Calls the Heart season 11 premiere on Hallmark Channel in just a handful of days? Well, let’s just say that things are going to be emotional, and for good reason.
After all, remember what the stakes are entering this first episode (titled “When Stars Align”) — the life of Lucas is in jeopardy! There is a lot that will be done to determine what happens next for Chris McNally’s character, and it will include Elizabeth rushing to Capital City to be at his side.
If you head over to the link here, you can see a sneak peek from the premiere where Elizabeth, Nathan, Rosemary, Lee, and others all learn about his condition. We know from the previews already that Lucas has been shot — unfortunately, he has no recollection as to what actually happened. This could prove to be an ongoing mystery, but there will be opportunities to dive more into that down the road. For now, this preview is more just about making sure that Lucas is going to be okay after what he’s gone through, especially since in this era, there were certainly fewer guarantees of recovery.
For those wondering why Elizabeth would rush so quickly to be with him, it’s really just a reminder that even though their romantic relationship did not work out, there is still a lot of love here. This is the sort of thing that really defines Hope Valley — the sense of love and community that exists between all of the characters. Certainly, this is something that will pervade its way through all of the episodes, and in a number of different forms.
What do you most want to see moving into When Calls the Heart season 11 over at Hallmark Channel?
Do you have any predictions on what the long-term story is going to be here for some of these characters? Share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back — there are other updates on the way.