The Way Home season 2 finale: EP on huge Colton twist

Tonight, The Way Home season 2 finale delivered about a million different twists, and one could require a lot of introspection. After all, we learned that Colton is actually a time traveler! This is something that could conceivably alter the entire way in which we view the timeline. In particular, there is now so much room to go back and re-watch certain scenes, especially when it comes to the opportunity to view them from an entirely new perspective.
So how exactly did this whole twist come about? Let’s just say that it is an idea that the entire creative team have been thinking about for a while. Speaking to TVLine, here is what executive producer Alex Clarke had to say:
It was in our heads from the beginning. This is a show that is so complex, and there are so many intertwining plots happening in different eras that you do kind of have to know your ending before you even start the beginning. And this was definitely always something that was in our head as being an incredible payoff moment. Whether or not we could achieve it was something that we were constantly debating. I think one of the things that was so incredible was Jefferson Brown’s performance as Colton was such a perfect, enigmatic, incredible way of approaching that character. It could have gone both ways. Does he know? Does he not know? Does he recognize someone? Does he not? And I think those questions are still very valid questions, even now, knowing what we, technically, do know or sort of know about Colton at the end.
Now, one of the big things we desperately want to know is simply this: In every Colton scene we’ve seen on the show to date, did he really know what was actually going on? It is certainly another way to throw everything through a massive loop. We’re sure that the writers will eventually approach some of this, but it remains to be seen.
Related – When are we going to be seeing The Way Home season 3 over at Hallmark Channel?
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