Shogun episode 8 spoilers: ‘The Abyss of Life’

Photo: FX

As we get ourselves prepared to see Shogun episode 8 over on Hulu, let’s just say this: There is potential for some much drama. Also, for something a little bit akin to partial closure.

Note here, of course, that we aren’t saying complete closure given the fact that there are still two episodes to come after the fact here. Things are inevitably going to escalate and with that, it’s fair to wonder whether or not all of these characters are truly prepared for this or not. Isn’t there potential for a few shocking twists and turns still to come? We would certainly argue so, and we mostly just hope that you are prepared.

Now, let’s share a few more specifics. Below, you can check out the full Shogun episode 8 synopsis with more insight on what’s ahead:

Toranaga’s defeated clan moves to Edo and awaits their fate.

Is everything at Edo going to go according to plan? Well, we do think that this could be a point where the show actually delivers one of its biggest twists yet. Think about it like this: Given that this season is planned to be one with a defined beginning, middle, and end, it feels like episode 8 could be where a lot of things are going to be shaken up here.

Oh, and can we mention just how sad we are about the fact that we’re so close to the end? Shogun has already proven itself to be something special from top to bottom, with great performances and big moments all across the board. Visually it is stunning, and it is the sort of place you can be lost in.

As we mentioned earlier, the title for this article is “The Abyss of Life,” something that carries with it a rather powerful meaning.

What do you most want to see moving into Shogun episode 8 over on Hulu next week?

Where do you think the story will go as we actually head into the finale? Share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back to get some more news.

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