The Rookie season 6 episode 5 promo: Who is Anna?

In just a matter of days you are going to have a chance to check out The Rookie season 6 episode 5, and we can go ahead and tell you this — there is quite a bit already to discuss!
After all, this upcoming installment titled “The Vow” seems to be putting one thing above all others: A situation regarding Anna, a toddler who is being looked at temporarily by John Nolan and Bailey after she was found at the scene of the crime.
Is there a chance that Nathan Fillion and Jenna Dewan’s characters end up adopting the child? Anything feels possible right now, but that is putting in some ways the cart before the horse. Instead of thinking exclusively about whether or not you are going to see this child stay, think in terms of the conversations this could cause everyone to have! This is a chance for some of these characters to be forced to wonder a little bit more about whether or not they could handle being parents — Nolan seems to have a resistance to having another child at this point in his life, but is adoption a consideration?
Well, let’s just say that there is another problem that is also going to be coming up here: The simple fact that at some point during this episode, Anna turns up missing! That of course could lead to some problems in its own way … but we hope that she’s just in another room and that this is intentionally misleading and/or designed to have us be worried for a good while.
In the end, we’re just hoping that The Rookie proves to be a lot of fun in this episode — and beyond just that, it manages to deliver a few different things that we 100% do not expect.
What do you most want to see moving into The Rookie season 6 episode 5 over at ABC?
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