The Way Home season 2 episode 10 (finale): Second thoughts?

In a few days The Way Home season 2 episode 10 is going to be here — are you ready to see some pretty emotional stuff unfold?
Based on everything that we are seeing at the moment, it does appear like we are going to get some pretty emotional material from top to bottom, and also that the future of Landry Farm is at the center of it. Sure, there is a lot of other stuff going on, whether it be Thomas’ situation in the past or the idea that Jacob is not going to be coming back from the 19th century. Still, Del selling the farm to Evelyn is still important!
If you head over to the link here now, you can see yet another sneak peek for this upcoming episode that hints strongly that Kat is not going to just let the farm go quietly into the night. She will do whatever she can in order to save it! Whether or not she’s able to achieve this is a different story, especially Del thinks that everything is already signed and hard to reverse.
Despite all the drama that we’ve seen throughout The Way Home this season, though, we oddly still feel a sense of hope. This just doesn’t feel like the sort of show that is going to make it impossible at all for something surprising to happen here; is there a chance that Kat could work out some other sort of deal with Evelyn? Could the past be changed to alter the present? We do know that this is a dangerous proposition.
In general, just be prepared for an hour full of surprises and risks — and we are still anticipating some sort of cliffhanger at the end of all this.
Related – Get more news regarding The Way Home finale right now
What do you most want to see moving into The Way Home season 2 episode 10 on Hallmark Channel?
Be sure to share right now in the comments, including if you think there’s a way to save Landry Farm. Once you do, remember to come back here for some further insight that we do not want you to miss.