Nolly episode 3 spoilers: The finale already?

Next week on PBS, you are going to have a chance to see Nolly episode 3 — otherwise known as the all-important finale. What is going to be coming up here?
Well, for starters, we should really note here that this was designed from the start to be a three-part story, which is probably a part of what attracted a big name like Helena Bonham Carter. She can come in, take on an important character like this, and then move on to another project. This is a series that is in a lot of ways about history — in particular, the history of a particular era for performers in Britain. This is not something that a lot of viewers in America have that much in the way of knowledge about, and we assume that this is what makes this show particularly exciting to a lot of people out there.
Of course, the aforementioned network is not going to be spending too much time outlining what lies ahead here; instead, all we have is the Nolly episode 3 synopsis below:
To save her career, Nolly returns to the stage in one of theatre’s hardest roles. Can Nolly prove her doubters wrong?
If you didn’t know…
One of the fun facts about this show is that it is the creation of Russell T. Davies, a man who is otherwise known for his work on Doctor Who. Isn’t this as great of a test of one’s versatility as you are going to see? We at least tend to think so for the most part.
The thing that we are most excited to see within this finale are some more great performances, especially since we think that this is a story that may hold value to a lot of them. Odds are, they will want to do whatever they can to honor who came before.
What do you most want to see moving into Nolly episode 3?
How do you think the series is going to tie everything together from start to finish? Share right now in the attached comments! Once you do, come back — there are a lot of other updates on the way.