Death in Paradise season 14 premiere date hopes at BBC One

Following the season 13 finale today at BBC One, what can we say when it comes to a Death in Paradise season 14? Is more of the show coming?
We don’t think there is much of a reason to draw all of this out, so let’s just go ahead and share the good news — there is more of the series coming! The series was actually renewed for a season 13 and 14 at the same time, so the future has long been cemented.
One of the things that has also been clear here for a good while is rather simple: This is a show that really looks at the location as the star. Even though many cast members have come and gone here over the years, the project itself just keeps chugging along and that will be the case here once more. There may be changes leading into what’s next but in the end, the most important thing is that Saint Marie will be waiting for us — and it is mostly a matter of when.
For us personally, our hope is that we will have a chance to see season 14 premiere in roughly the same spot that we saw season 13 — think in terms of late January / early February. Why change it if the timeline works well? This is the perfect time for a show like this to air, mostly because with temperatures lower, just about everyone out there is looking for some sort of escape. Death in Paradise offers that in spades. Of course, that is without mentioning the fun mysteries that we’ve grown accustomed to seeing over the years.
As for when a premiere date will actually be announced, our feeling is quite simple: Close to the end of the year, if we’re lucky. In general, BBC One tends to take their time making some of these announcements.
Related – Is Raif Little leaving Death in Paradise?
When do you want to see Death in Paradise season 14 over on BBC One?
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