The Irrational season 2: Is filming underway?

Sure, we recognize that The Irrational season 2 will not be premiering on NBC for quite some time, but there is still good news to report!
For those who have not heard, earlier this month production for the Jesse L. Martin crime drama started up in the greater Vancouver area, which represents the show getting far ahead of the game. Like another network drama from this past fall in Found, the two operate under somewhat atypical production schedules. Most shows on the schedule tend to start filming in the summer but here, the cast and crew are back in the spring. We imagine that for The Irrational in particular, one advantage to this is that they can avoid shooting in the cold winters up in Canada — that’s an experience that Jesse in particular is probably familiar with thanks to his work on The Flash.
While there may not be too many specifics on the second season just yet, we do imagine that the premiere will pick up where the finale left off, with both that time jump and Rose being kidnapped. Right when Alec started to get a little more peace in his life, something like that happens and it throws him for a loop.
When it comes to the scheduling for The Irrational season 2, we’d advise you to pay close attention to what NBC announces at upfronts when we get around in May. It makes sense for the series to be coming back this fall, but it also feels like a mistake to treat its return to the schedule then like a sure thing. After all, the network can do whatever they choose when it comes to airing the episodes — the only job the cast and crew have here is working to make the show as good as they can.
Rest assured, we are more than confident in their ability to do just that. This is as smart and engaging of a semi-procedural mystery show as you’re going to find on TV these days.
Related – Read more about the end of The Irrational season 1
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