Grey’s Anatomy season 20 spoilers: Will Scott Speedman return?

Close to the end of the Grey’s Anatomy season 20 premiere, we saw Scott Speedman’s Nick Marsh hand over his position to Miranda Bailey as the top person responsible for training the interns. This is a spot we’ve seen her in before and honestly, we don’t mind that she’s back.
Be honest — who else got kinda emotional hearing her say “I have five rules”? New showrunner Meg Marinis (who has been a part of the series for the bulk of its run) clearly has an understanding of how nostalgia is so key to the show’s continued success.
So does all of this mean that Speedman is gone from the show? Not necessarily, but it is important to remember that he was not a series regular for season 20 in the first place. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Marinis did very-much say that there’s a chance he could come back — but also did not confirm it:
“What’s so amazing about our show is we have an open-door policy, so I think you’re just going to have to tune in to see who pops up. But we love [the Meredith and Nick] relationship. I find that they have amazing chemistry. I love that he challenges her and I love that she becomes a little undone by him, too. So I just say stay tuned.”
Given that we are going to see Ellen Pompeo again at some point down the road this season, we tend to think Speedman will be back as well. Our larger concerns could be for him in a possible season 21, but that is because he is a rather busy actor with some other gigs on the horizon. Still, one of the things that we feel helps here is that he and Pompeo are friends away from the show, and they genuinely seem to enjoy working together. With all of that, we’ll have to see exactly what the future holds…
Related – What else is Speedman up to beyond Grey’s Anatomy?
How much more of Nick Marsh do you think we are going to get moving into Grey’s Anatomy season 20?
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