9-1-1 season 7 episode 2 promo: Bobby & Athena missing?

As you prepare yourselves to see 9-1-1 season 7 episode 2 in just a matter of days, one story does appear to be key — and yes, it is exactly the story that you would expect.
From the moment that ABC started to extensively promote the upcoming batch of peoples, it was abundantly clear that at the center of it would be the cruise-ship disaster. this is an event that is poised to encompass the first three episodes of the season and along the way, things are going to shift and change. Just think about what we have seen so far! In the premiere, Bobby and Athena were simply trying to have a relaxing honeymoon … though it was clear that this would probably not last given that few things on this show ever do.
Meanwhile, at the end of the premiere it was made clear that there was some sort of terrorist operative aboard the vessel. From there, it was revealed that more operatives were on the way and, to make matters worse, they are steering into a storm!
If you head over to the link here, you can see a preview for episode 2 that indicates further some of the other stories that are going to be coming. This, of course, includes the search to find the ship to save everyone, but the problem is that back on dry land, the entire team are having a hard time locating it. Meanwhile, Athena is MIA at one point as she goes solo in an effort to save the ship.
By the end of this upcoming episode, we could be in full-on action-movie territory, and that makes us all the more excited and/or eager for how all of it is going to conclude.
Related – Go ahead and get a few more details about 9-1-1 season 7 episode 2 — what stories will stand out?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.