American Horror Story: Delicate part 2: New Kim Kardashian BTS

With the return of American Horror Story: Delicate to FX just a matter of weeks, why not take a look behind the scenes?
Even before the first episode of the show aired, it was clear just how the network was going to promote this chapter of the anthology — and beyond that, who would be the focus. Of course, we are talking here about none other than Kim Kardashian! She plays Siobhan on the series, but if you think back to some of the early promotional photos for the season, she was dressed in a totally different way with a platinum wig and extremely long eyelashes.
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Want to get a behind-the-scenes look at that? Then all you have to do is head over to the link here, which you can see thanks to the show’s official account. Kim details the experience of getting into the hair and makeup and the experience of being front-and-center for the promotion of the season.
There were a number of skeptics about Kardashian’s casting back when she was first announced and we understood that — however, she’s proven to do a rather fine job as Siobhan, a character who presents herself as the manager to Emma Roberts’ character of Anna Victoria Alcott. Is she hiding something far more sinister? That implication is certainly there, especially when you consider the fact that she may have had one of Anna’s chief rivals in the Oscar race killed.
Why do all of this? It seems to be about Anna’s unborn baby — heck, everything seems to be about that baby. This show is dabbling in some weird, supernatural stuff, and we certainly hope that come April, answers will start to become clear.
Related – Have you seen the latest poster for American Horror Story: Delicate part 2 yet?
What do you think we’ll see from Kim Kardashian during American Horror Story: Delicate part 2?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.