9-1-1 season 7: Kenneth Choi on Chimney, Maddie wedding

At some point during 9-1-1 season 7, we are going to get a big, super-romantic event in Chimney and Maddie’s wedding. Is this a cause for celebration? Sure. However, at the same time not everything else will be going according to plan.
Let’s just put it like this: If there is one specific rule that we have learned from watching a million or so TV weddings over the years, it goes like this — it will never be picture-perfect and rosy. Sure, the characters may say their vows and there will be a romantic kiss or two, but what surrounds that? this is where at least some of the mystery could lie.
Speaking to TV Insider about the upcoming nuptials, we do have a compelling tease from Kenneth Choi that helps to set the stage:
In typical Chimney-Maddie fashion, even such a joyous, happy, loving occasion will most likely be fraught with conflict, obstacles, and probably some trauma, too, because that’s just how they’re built. So I’m pretty sure things will not go as smoothly as either Chimney or Maddie would like.
Ultimately, we realize that the show has a few other boxes that they need to check off and deal with first, with the biggest one at present being the massive situation aboard the cruise ship with Bobby and Athena. This inevitably has to be the top story for now, but who knows what sort of craziness is going to lie on the other side? That is absolutely something that we’re excited to see play out, as the cruise story should only encompass the first few episodes of the season. After that, the show could find a somewhat more procedural rhythm … but this is a shorter season in general.
What do you most want to see on the Maddie – Chimney wedding on 9-1-1 season 7?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.