Blue Bloods season 14 episode 4 video: Henry Reagan’s interview

In just a couple of days, you are going to have a chance to see Blue Bloods season 14 episode 4 — a big story titled “Past Is Present.”
So, what is going to be at the core of this one? Well, let’s just say that there is a chance for Henry Reagan to get a bit of spotlight. However, is it what he thinks it to be? Let’s just say that things could get complicated here in a hurry.
If you head over to the official Blue Bloods YouTube channel right now, you can see a sneak peek here for what lies ahead, one that strongly hints at a few different developments that are set to be coming Henry’s way. You can learn through this that he’s been offered to sit down with a YouTuber who specializes in looking at old cases and conducting interviews. However, Jamie is concerned that he may be getting into something without realizing how bad it could be. Is there a chance that an interview will hurt his legacy? That’s what the concern is, but will Henry even listen?
Based on the other sneak peeks for this episode, let’s just say things will be personal. Frank is going to be dealing with a dilemma that is going to be emotional for him — what happens when a relative of Joe Reagan’s killer is joining the force? How do you deal with that?
Meanwhile, Danny could find himself becoming attached to someone tied to a case, and there should be a good opportunity for him to lean on Baez as he juggles some of his feelings. Remember for a moment here that she adopted someone tied to a case in the past! If anyone knows a thing or two about emotional investment, it’s her!
Related – Get some more news on Blue Bloods right now, including what else is coming
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.