Power Book II: Ghost season 4 premiere date: Who knows what?

As so many of you may be aware at this point, we are currently in a holding pattern as we want to see a Power Book II: Ghost season 4 premiere date. We absolutely know the series is coming back, but when? There are so many things to wonder and yet, so little in the way on answers that can be currently shared.
What is always a fun exercise here is trying to figure out what some people, from the cast to the producers behind the scenes, actually know when it comes to a possible return date. We know that there are some out there who probably have this vision of certain actors keeping the secrets for a start date locked off in a vault somewhere.
In the end, though, the reality could not be further from the truth. Most of the actors at this point are as in the dark as we are, and that is often the case when it comes to all of these shows. A part of this is because Starz controls everything and because dates often change, they don’t want information to come out that creates a further problem for them down the road. In that way, it is almost easier to say nothing.
With that being said, it is still our feeling that Power Book II: Ghost will be coming back at some point either in late spring or early summer, and it is possible that the cast may share that sentiment! Given that filming has already been done for months, you don’t have to worry about that slowing thing down.
At the end of the day, premiere dates are always a network decision and even when this show is done, there are a multitude of factors that will be hugely considered in determining what’s next. Just think in terms of how Ghost lines up with other programs, and also the best opportunity Starz thinks it will have when it comes to getting back subscribers.
Related – Get some more news on Power Book II: Ghost and what the season 4 future holds
When do you most want to see Power Book II: Ghost season 4 premiere on Starz?
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